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Logic School
As children grow older, children typically become argumentative. The Logic stage is when we teach our children how to think and how to argue using logic.
We teach children how things relate to each other.
​While they’re learning to reason, we also emphasize the teaching of writing. They need to be more
than just orators after all, right?
Teaching a child (who is prone to argue) a better way to argue may seem dangerous.
Thankfully, they grow out of that stage and move into the Rhetoric stage, where they become more concerned about how they are perceived.
As students enter into high school and the Rhetoric stage, they learn how to communicate winsomely and effectively. This is the final stage of the Trivium.
Here children bring the knowledge they learned at the Grammar and Logic stages and learn how to solve difficult problems, become self-aware, and express what they actually think through speech, papers, or in groups.
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